Now that Apple has finally released the IPhone 11 Pro, the big question, as usual, is: To upgrade or not? Is latest and newest always better?
Let’s take a look at whether this new version is the perfect candidate to replace the old or you’re better off sticking with what’s already in your hand.
What's Good?
Everyone’s raving about the Camera: And not without good cause. It’s hands down the most exciting feature of the new IPhone 11 Pro. We won’t bore you with the detailed specs but here's what you need to know: There's the triplet rear camera lens offering better HDR, definition, zooming options, courtesy of the telephoto lens.
Night mode is spectacular, offering quality pics in low light settings.
Now that’s a plus.
You phone stays on longer: The IPhone 11 Pro has a better life than the previous version. More life, more fun since you can play with your iPhone more.
What else is good?: Green is the new black, since Apple introduced a new color option. This time new and latest definitely looks good. With the matte finish and the smaller handy size, the iPhone 11 Pro will fit in your hand quite nicely. It will also feel and look great while it’s there.
Another plus is the faster and more flexible FaceID added angles feature –  more reasons for IPhone users to move a step up and upgrade.
What's  disappointing?
With the name it has most IPhone users expected more from a device that’s PRO-inclined. But I guess it’s to be expected from Apple’s iterative upgrade towards the perfect iPhone.
Here's what’s lacking on the iPhone 11 Pro:
Storage Woes: For a pro-priced gadget, the 64 gb base storage is a bit disappointing and certainly not enough.
Design hasn’t changed much: Appearance-wise the iPhone 11 Pro looks a lot like it’s old version counterparts prompting vother users to question if the upgrade is really worth it. No one wants to spend money to replace something they already have.
Anything else?: Well, besides the camera, nothing has changed much. That is to say other non-camera related upgrades have  been sidelined in this version.
So what’s the verdict?
Camera lovers are definitely enthusiastic about this new addition to the iPhone family. That’s what all the hype is about.
But even if you’re not crazy about photography and picture quality, a better, long lasting battery is a plus. Not to mention the lighter, palm-fitting size.
Overall an upgrade is definitely worth it. After all, you can’t beat new technology.